Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional (GPN) - Possible Replacing?

Runa In Here!
Thanks for stopping by! this time, let's explain GPN

what it's GPN?
GPN (Longes name as Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional) was a card transaction, which using by central major bank on indonesia.

ok, back to the point. that is have much variable, simple and secure

why? i will explain it
1. Variable
the card, anyone hates when the card was lot's on the wallet, even different PINs on the other card, yup. Using GPN, the card which more valueable.

2. Simple
Anyone hates when their card not have their EDCs (Electronic Data Capture) which can only handle one card. Using GPN, all card which on GPN logo. their can use different EDCs same time! simple right?

3. Secure
i don't know what it's that means, but that information they said guaranteed encrypted, and can't pass over for wrong hand. i hope

But that have simple, not means want to change! 2 reasons why other card much better than GPN

Cons :
1. can't use (Card Not Present) like online shopping.

why it's that means?
GPN can only using chip or swipe, like EDC or offline store. can't use on online shopping.
and. The transtaction can only using on indonesia only, that means. you need an tierd job first. Go to ATM, Withdraw money, then go to the other central bank which still using VISA or mastercard to deposit on it, really tried right?

i not complaining to not using GPN, but an anyone thinks. want, or not?
hope this blog helpful! Thanks for stopping by!

have a nice sakura's day!
さくり ルナ

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Sakura #1 - Greeting!

Sakura signing on! What haplening currently right now? The time which seen about the spring seasons. Specified, the seasons is can't last long. But maybe... Let's see this seasons for later!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Greeting From Sakura's Family!

Hello! That's my first blog. Welcome to my blog, I'm Luna (ルナ) which will making this blog at lot's of fun! Considering an supports? Please disable or whitelist the adblock! Thank you! 〜さく ルナ