hey hey!! sakuya here!
as we see on this advertisement, we seeing this page redirected right here which claimed the wifi boosting can guaranteed double the internet speed. sounds weird.
ok, let us expain this, there have 3 of the reasons we classify this
1. This was NOT ACTED AS BOOSTER. But 5ghz can boost like 3%
as we classify this, this is just only common Wi-Fi repeater, wifi repeater is a boosting the signal of the range in the wifi, what is wifi repeater? let's think this at the basic.
consider, you have a large house for example like a royal house. you subscribe the wifi internet like for example 30mbps. but you place in the middle of the house, only half of the range can access the wi-fi but the others are not because that have our wi-fi worst enemy, yup. Wi-Fi Dead Zone. and you want fight them by buying an expander.
expander works as a rebroadcast the signal. like expand the wifi signal so other can join the network, so no more dead-zones can let you down
2. There have a video about it, we see some weird things
we found these weird video of the youtube. but we found the different.
as we see it, it's ISP?
if you guess it, you're correct!
we found this two images which that was weird one
slow ones : TELUS (ISP From)
but we check really sure, "Are we sure this can boost the internet?"
we check again. and Bingo! this one happend
the second one after installing this booster is : Cogent
as we guest this "That was wrong!"
oh, if anyone dosen't know this provinder. this google may let anyone know below!
and the confirmation, this information is claimed (MISINFORMATION) due this claims
1. ISP changes! (They cheating this just only for marketing also for boosting their sales?)
2. As we know this, after using the expander. some or maybe same speed may suffer, depending ISP/Router/Operator/Cable type (Ex : Fiber optic, coaxial, 3g/4g)
3. and for the unsure but maybe. better check other sources as the pre-checking for factcheck
that's it! we had found this posts! better don't waste your money for this
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Say "GoodBye" for internet fees only just using ultraboost Wi-Fi? (MISINFORMATION)
Thursday, January 2, 2020
This girl claim RP1.233.000.000 by trading? (WRONG)
hello, sakuya here for the attentions!
anyone must know about this advertisement, right?
as the adverting is on Here which seeing a woman. sounds strange. but we have an expose for you.
1. this image is NOT REAL IMAGES
as you mentioned, this image seems strange. That was bought from iStock. that results is on the google search engine below
anyone must know about this advertisement, right?
as the adverting is on Here which seeing a woman. sounds strange. but we have an expose for you.
1. this image is NOT REAL IMAGES
as you mentioned, this image seems strange. That was bought from iStock. that results is on the google search engine below
2. trading
weirdest thing. but this was instructed how to open the broker account, then the up or down and also stocks exchange. as we see on this picture below
which redirected the link into the Olymp trade website which the picture below
yeah, yeah. we googling about this and they really have that website
*P.S hope they are registered by OJK and Bank Indonesia...
we know and also the expert traders know it. if you are trading. that means You are approved when the risk arrives and falling you into bankruptcy! without real doubt. they say if the girl claimed RP1.233.000.000 is a Major Fake because that was Mission Impossible. some may can but you need to be careful! the risk of fails trading is 70/90% chance. as the website, 100% clearly says too on below of the page
so. if you want to trade and make rich than the celebrity. think again, you MUST learn about that broker, trading, forex or etc. or not, you ended up no money for it.
for example. if you trade for AAPL (Example!) for 18 dollars with upstate. but the forecast is wrong and that was below on it. that means you got small or nothing. that was No way for a return/ refund on it!
4. By the way. that was an Olymp trade referral link
you might know it. that was an Olymp trade referral link. sadly we still do not know who's owned the tag of it. might we can see it later
just on that luck.
UPDATED: 5. Olymp Trade and other are binary options, which in other countries are said ILLEGAL.
This platform also includes (IQ Options, Binomo, Olymp Trade and etc) are subjected to gambling and you should NOT be part of it
as we found this and doing FactCheck. that was (FAKE CONFIRMED WITH RISK)
what is that? That was fake because impossible, but with risk which on number 3 of this blog
that's if for the blog today. by the way. just don't play that. for safety, if you can't know the risk
or. if you want just for fun. just open demo instead. that was safe than the deposit
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