Thursday, December 5, 2019

Solving knee problem just consuming FlexAmove? [FAKE Confirmed]

hello. sakuya here which this time weirded about this website which claimed right here which claiming the Professor Zhou Qi visiting indonesia about that. sounds good to be real but this weird has happend

1. Someone image was used without our consent
Unlike this image which this searched by google. as unlike this one are using this image. but other one are using this image too

2. The part of the company was not registered by AHU goverment
by the way, this is was not registered by the government. as we need to dig further about that database. we need to contact them for avoidpoiuing mistakes

as we ask to offical doctor back [HaloDoc absolutely free!] and finally we got that info right away
but there says still same. still have an latest journal first for doing this. and they says this too for SPL FactCheck

by SPL FactCheck

Monday, December 2, 2019

FactCheck - Indonesian ads faking about the worm causes the bad smells [FAKE Confirmed]

Hello, Runa from the SPL FactCheck team, as you see on every advertisement are having some weird informations about this everyday advertisers

this screenshot almost silimiar like example right here as the result of causes an unexcepted issues of this ads and their website, we and SPL FactCheck team digging  it in.

we have founded an similar info at google after filtering this by images, at the results like this in the bottom of the image, that was implementing if this as CNN Indonesia. as we visually found this images by google. as the results that picture already just doctored "AKA Edited using like picture editor or Adobe Photoshop or etc"
Quick Picture Comparison

As we found that was fake, that we found the website claimed Phishing sites which scamming their customers. as the screenshot below

that was completely claim fake. by the way, we found an source means about the source of this kind of worm causing bad smells, but that was no have info of this except bacteria causes the issues of this

as we asked the official doctor on HaloDoc "But It's Free!" with the Dr. Najwa Amalia by their online chat services [Yet, that's free!] and we got this information below

there was say if this was NOT causes by parasit worm. but virus and bacteria can cause this issues
and the official sent us the link about the information right here

also that he said if this must found on latest journal. and he said the way he search that was not the worm [AKA parasite] causes this

as we see this, we claimed this as [MISINFORMATION/FAKE] as this following reasons
1. The website was really weird, really?
2. that was NO Official Statements about the parasit worm causes this diseases
3. we asked the official Indonesia doctor about this information. both say incorrect info about this

by SPL FactCheck

as we found this really enough for today's factcheck! thanks for reading!

Oh, by the way. Special thanks for HaloDoc for helping this. Without you guys we can't have an fact checked completed!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Easy shopping indonesia's public fake marketing. part 1

the beginning of the story...

Some of the members are received an unknown package which currently uses their name, which claiming there won an 1 million rupiah (Rp.1,000,000,000) which that got from easy shopping. ok, What's going on there? time for the research further

what's going on guys? Luna in here which podcasting and also TV broadcasting hosts. someday on 2019 may 15 that should be. going back home after work and someone are calling me which saying we got an strange message and requiring an my attentions. and what i'm got. there, an message from Easy shopping. which that not me affected that message. but other are too

as there, them are sending us again Two times! see? that really crazy situations. that should be see like that you know?

and, here some researches. i'm googling on it about that and i'm found an official website about that and you can guess that. THE WEBSITE JUST GOT BLOCKED BY GOVERNMENT?! (A.K.A TRUST+ Positif)
sometimes we using Virtual Private Network (VPN) and we see this first ever picture of claiming "Phishing or scamming website which claimed by TRUST+ Positif databases)

Did there on website only? But wait! that's more
we found the video too. same which claiming the prizes is real. but we are still not trusting them
and you know what the comments is it? that was real (There are says Fake at all it's correct)
that was reality. Re-Al-Li-Ty

and we are saying that too. but did that still same and will keep fooling the customer? the lawsuit of Customer protection it's on the war

------COMING UP------
An worst customer support which we found on facebook. still same on Easy shopping.

Monday, June 17, 2019

WikiHow meme Everywhere - Mimirin : I don't want this!

Did anyone mentioning this?
 And even this?

As this indonesian memes now spreaded into global. As we see this picture was used (WikiHow) images without their rights!
So what happend?

Let's get started about this company first which taken on wikihow website
"wikiHow is a worldwide collaboration of thousands of people focused on one goal: teaching anyone in the world how to do anything."

Their Goal it's teaching. What that web of step by step and teaching into (Memes)???

As we see. This website and picture about (How to) now into a funny website because there will using Right-click and download the images. Into a "Meme" that we are saying

As we see. Their are should be take action immediately before this wikihow meme into a trending. By the way we are still contacting wikihow support for this situlation, any update will be landed into this blog!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

BulldogCPI ads - How i can block it? - Part 2

Part 2 - Uses Router URL Filtering

Hello! Luna here and as the part 1 mentioned. For an Non-Adblock user still can use their ad blocked using URL Filtering! (Dangrious! Professional usage only!)

-Depending your wifi router type like TP-Link, or TotoLink, Tenda, Mikrotik, or etc. Please find your router name and type to find where it's url filtering
-Common router are requierd to customer for turning their firewall on, because the rules can efect when the firewall turned on
-Please see your router manual before proceed this action

In this step, i will be using FiberHome ONT Router model AN5506-04-FG
For other, please take your time for going to your router, then find the label! That label can be found on backside

This is a example for TP-Link Router TL-WR841N
Now. Go to your router admin setting, commonly are or

Now, log-in on your home router. Commonly the user and password both are admin
Other are driffent due the interface. For fiberhome, go to security>Firewall>URL Filtering
Then, add this url as a blacklist






Now. Apply the settings by press "apply"
Make sure the firewall are on!

Wait 3 minutes, the setting will be take efect
Or. Reboot a router!

Problem? Comment below!
More by DNS will be next

BulldogCPI ads - How i can block it? - Part 1

Part 1 - Block using Adblockers

Hello! Luna here and telling you how to block BullDog CPI ads. Yup. Seeing like this one

As you see. This article was covered with 3 part, starting from
1. Block BulldogCPI Ads via Adblocker app
2. Block BulldogCPI Ads via URL Filtering (Router)
3. Block BulldogCPI Ada via adblock's DNS

But. Iet's focus with part 1. It's using Adblocker app
Their adblocker provinder may be provided an adblock app on android. You may hear that

We are suggested you to using *Adguard Adblocker* for this action. But how?
Visit :

-Let's start!-
Step 1. Download

Make sure to tuen on *Unknown Source" before continue to step 2!

Step 2. Download an apk file

Now next, after downloaded. Install the adblock
Ready? Turn on the adblocker! Follow the instruction to turn on the adblock VPN!

now you can play the game without an ads!
I can't turn on the adblocker! Other method, please!

Stay tunes for part 2 by using router's URL filtering!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Saying about Happy Tree Friends...

Here's a petition site!

I'm really ready for making this petition, because Happy tree friends must be stopped

But anyone's think. Why that?
Because our missions is save a child from this show! And safe the child future
Now we petition this from 7 reciver. Included Child safety community UNICEF

But, that we can't enougt for this. We need anyone's help to sign this petition.

Spread this petition to the world! Save the child!

And ocne again, here's a petition site

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Happy Tree Friends - The TV Progams which should be banned globally

Did anyone know about "Happy Tree Friends"? Which studio by MondoMedia. Which that was clearly violent an youtube community guidelines, also that. The fans are supporting on it, without knowing the child in the future.

Acquring wikipedia. The Child protection system (AKA CPS - Child Protective Services) that was Can used with this
-Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Pub. L. No. 93-112, 87 Stat. 394 (Sept. 26, 1973), codified at 29 U.S.C. § 701
-42 U.S.C. Section 1983, and depending on the circumstances 1985.

That was cleary that animation includes an blood scenes and violent scenes too which causes child will causes an traumas about this abusement

As this happening, youtube must be banning all of happy tree friend episodes (Exclusing Youtube Copyright School)
That seen sounds to be true, as proof. At a report. 2018 at 25/100 child was got traumas due the show. And at russia are ban this progam due the violents

As we see, we just only hope when youtube are taking action quickly by terminate MondoMedia and all of Happy Tree Friends episode and series

As we are coordinating with the agency on US and country on Asia which needs to take action to ban happy tree friends around asia and eroupe, we just only can hope when Youtube take a serious situlations in there.

This thread are created by
SPL Journalism