Monday, June 17, 2019

WikiHow meme Everywhere - Mimirin : I don't want this!

Did anyone mentioning this?
 And even this?

As this indonesian memes now spreaded into global. As we see this picture was used (WikiHow) images without their rights!
So what happend?

Let's get started about this company first which taken on wikihow website
"wikiHow is a worldwide collaboration of thousands of people focused on one goal: teaching anyone in the world how to do anything."

Their Goal it's teaching. What that web of step by step and teaching into (Memes)???

As we see. This website and picture about (How to) now into a funny website because there will using Right-click and download the images. Into a "Meme" that we are saying

As we see. Their are should be take action immediately before this wikihow meme into a trending. By the way we are still contacting wikihow support for this situlation, any update will be landed into this blog!

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